3 questions to ask before you DIY that AC repair

Sweltering temperatures and humidity call for reliable air conditioning, no matter who you are. So when something’s not working correctly, should you always call a professional? 

It may be tempting to save yourself a service call, but there are some essential things you should know (and ask yourself) before you attempt to DIY repair or service your air conditioning unit. 

Question 1: Do I have the right tools for the job? 

You may need items, such as an adjustable wrench, a cordless drill, an insulated screwdriver, needlenose pliers and more. While these may be everyday items in a garage toolbox, there might also be other items that could come in handy, such as a voltage tester. 

You also need to make sure you have the right materials to make the appropriate repairs. Do you have a fan motor, compressed air? 

If you’ve answered “yes” to these items, keep reading. If not, call us. We’ve got the right tools for the job every time. 

Question 2: Are you comfortable working around electricity? 

Many homeowners think that AC repair is simply a matter of replacing parts that are worn or broken. There’s a little more to it than that. 

Our technicians know that to get to the root of the problem, diagnose, and repair faulty units, you have to be comfortable working around electricity. The power has to be safely and securely off before repairs, replacement parts, or adjustments can be made to your units if you DIY. It’s a matter of your safety. 

Question 3: Do you have time to run a few diagnostic tests? 

Some people love surprises. When the AC goes out suddenly, and it’s in the middle of a heatwave, that’s one surprise you don’t need. If you’re looking for a “quick fix” and think that it’s easy enough to handle yourself, you may be in for yet another surprise. 

Diagnostic tests are an essential part of repairing an air conditioner unit. You must find out precisely what’s wrong with it before you can fix it. Otherwise, you’ll spend even more time (inside a sweltering home) and money. 

When DIY isn’t working for you, give us a call

By now, you probably have thought through, Googled, or attempted to self-diagnose any problems related to your AC unit. That’s good. You might have an idea as to what the cause of the issue is – even better. 

If you’ve answered yes to all of these questions and are ready to tackle the problem yourself, be sure to think safety first

Text taken from: https://www.guinservice.com

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